Princes Tuna (Mauritius) Limited applied a back to work protocol outlying the controls required to prevent the spread of COVID-19, also referred as Coronavirus which was based on the competent authority guidance.
As the organisation already makes use of a food safety management system based on HACCP, it is understood by the World Health Organisation that currently recognised prerequisite programs implemented in line with the guidance given in the codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Food Hygiene, commonly referred as the Food Hygiene Basic Texts, will provide the necessary foundations for an effective control with plan on the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. Additional specific measures with respect to COVID-19 that was put in place include social distancing i.e. keeping a minimum distance between individuals of 1 metre as far as practicable, and the use of personal protective equipment such as disposable face masks that cover the nose & mouth, protective glasses to protect the eyes and disposable gloves as applicable.
An internal COVID response team was created, to follow up the current situation and to act accordingly, upon formal communication received from the appropriate Competent Authority in Mauritius. The Response Team met on a regular basis to review monitoring data and confirm the effectiveness of the procedure set in place and, where necessary, update the said procedure.